What do we do?

We provide specialised exercise therapy and rehabilitation programmes  for  individuals affected by  paralysis such as spinal injury, head injury, stroke and multiple sclerosis.

Our approach to exercise therapy is Interdisciplinary in nature tapping into a number of disciplines ranging from the original concepts of the Dikul Institute in Russia, to the disciplines of exercise science and  complimentary therapy in order to meet client-centred goals.

The therapy team consists of Exercise Scientists, Health therapists, Osteopath and Acupuncture practitioners. We can also provide, Sports and Remedial Massage, Skenar therapy, Reflexology and Aromatherapy.

Our Exercise equipment is designed to provide a range of exercises that would not be available to clients in normal gym environments. Exercises can be performed lying down, seated or standing using custom designed exercise equipment. This method allows the  therapist freedom to exercise clients in ways that would not normally be possible in standard gym environments.

We hope to see you soon?



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